all corners of the world, nationalities, cultures, moods, bodytypes, ages, outfits and social classes

[ Fullsize image 1024x1024 ]

Neural Company - More Human than Human: Create a perfect human(s) for your project's needs. Images are free and you can use them to almost anything as long as credit is given for the original creation. Licence is CC BY 4.0 Deed - Attribution 4.0 International. It would be great if you would use the preferred attribution format: "Image by - Neural Company - More human than human". We'll be extremely grateful if you let us know where you use the images.

Use cases include but are not limited to for example AI-avatars, games, films, research, neural network training, seed images, Deepfakes, education and so forth. Datasets are also available for scientific research purposes. The images are fully created utilizing AI without any postwork or editing. Found an image that does not convincingly look like a human? Is something uncanny? Please tell us about it and we'll improve the next generations based on your feedback.
Published on 28.10.2023.

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